Brandon Adams on NERS!
We want to thank Country singer Brandon Adams for visiting us! Click his name to see his site.
We want to thank Country singer Brandon Adams for visiting us! Click his name to see his site.
Page Zaplandam of Quanta Publishing offers great advice on how to get started writing that book you have been thinking about! See her site here
We are excited to add Bright Side Boutique to our valued partners! They make great custom drink tumblers that keep you refreshed and looking great!
Introducing NERS Late Nights Live: Starting around 10pm Eastern thru the wee hours every night you will hear a concert mix like you have never heard before! Commercial free, thanks to support from Gene in Tally and others like you!
Darren tells us more about the consortium idea and how it applies to the Oklahoma land project.
Try our new recorder. Say: “Hey this is ______ your listening to the Never Ending Radio Show” Or yell kinda far away from your mic: “ITS THE NEVER ENDING RADIO SHOW!” Or upload your short .mp3 recordings directly. Try it out. If the recording is clean we will put you in the rotation! Maybe you…